Monday, December 20, 2010

Best of Madrid

Spain Travel Guide
Its majestic facade, in the traditional Madrid combination of red-brick and granite, is one of the few examples of 16th C. architecture which have been preserved in the city. The interior of the "Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales" is notable for the richness of the decoration and the fine works of art which it contains. Founded by Juana de Austria, sister of Felipe II, this Monastery is a building with a religious, enclosed character. Its interior houses paintings by famous artists such as Titian, Sánchez Coello, Brueghel, Luini, Paolo de San Leocadi, Gaspar Becerro and Pompeo Leoni, amongst others.

Madrid's Royal Palace, "El Palacio Real", is an impressive example of classisistic italian baroque style. This place is the most visited landmark in all of Spain. The construction of this palace was begun under Philip V by the architects Juvara, Sabatini and Sachetti. In 1714, Charles III was the first king to have his residence here. In the Armory of the palace, you'll see today the finest collection of weaponry in Spain (i.e. powder flasks, shields, lances, helmets and saddles).

Massive foundation walls support the building on the steep slope down to the Manzanares which is laid out in gardens (the Jardines de Sabatini to the north, the Campo del Moro to the west). The "Palacio Real" can easily take 15 minutes to walk around to the other side and though you shouldn't miss this view, the other side is much closer to downtown and to everything else there is to visit.

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